We are thrilled to announce that we have just signed an agreement to purchase 100 acres encompassing Bundy Hill in western Isabella County, south of Lake Isabella. At 1,270 feet, Bundy Hill is the highest point in the county.
Virtually anyone who has lived long in Isabella County knows something about Bundy Hill. We’re confident that the public will get behind this project to make sure it is always accessible.
Our goal is to raise $240,000 to buy Bundy Hill and the surrounding 100 acres. We’ll use these funds to purchase the land, add new trail signage, support closing and fundraising costs, and provide for stewardship and endowment funds to ensure that we can properly maintain and monitor it now and forever.
So, what’s in it for you? It means that this iconic piece of Isabella County’s landscape will be forever protected as natural space, and open to the public for recreation and scenic enjoyment. We’ll hold events there, nature walks, natural science education activities. In addition to our organized outings, you will be able to visit on your own whenever you want. But first, we have to raise the necessary funds.
We would like to remind you that the property is still privately owned and not routinely available to the public until the CWC owns the land. We plan to host some walks there during the fundraising, but it is currently leased for hunting.
We Need Your Help!
We have already asked several foundations to partner with us to help, but this is going to be largely a local effort. This is an important parcel of land to all of us for many reasons. It is up to us all to ensure that it is permanently accessible to the public.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support the Bundy Hill Acquisition Project. There are many ways for you to help.
If you would like to donate by credit card online through Go Fund Me, Click here to donate now.
If you want to donate online and include the processing cost of your donation, click here to use Network for Good, and designate it for Bundy Hill.
Here is a downloadable form that you may mail in or share with others who may be interested.
Or, your contribution may also be mailed to:
Chippewa Watershed Conservancy
P.O. Box 896
Mount Pleasant, MI 48804-0896
(Please write “Bundy Hill” in the memo line of your check.)
Can you imagine it? Bundy Hill permanently protected and publicly accessible forever.