The Carls Foundation Joins Bundy Hill Challenge
We have just received word that The Carls Foundation has awarded the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy a dollar for dollar matching grant up to $50,000 for the Bundy Hill acquisition project.
The grant is subject to the following conditions:
- The Carls Foundation will pay to the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy an amount (up to a maximum of $50,000.00) equal to the amount contributed or pledged by others, with a local interest (as defined below) beginning March 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
- Contributions and bona-fide pledges, in order to count toward the challenge grant approved by The Carls Foundation, must come from others with a local interest in Isabella, Clare, Gratiot, Montcalm, and Mecosta Counties. “Local interest” will be defined as a resident of or owner of a business, home or other property, within the counties, or a service or other voluntary organization, governmental unit, or a foundation with programming interests for land preservation, within the counties. Contributions made to or by attendance at a local event in support of the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy for the Bundy Hill Parcel purchase will be included as funds which match The Carls Foundation Challenge Grant.
What this means to the project is that we have three foundations and a local bank solidly behind our goal to purchase 100 acres of land at Bundy Hill.
We have currently raised about $115,000 of the $240,000 goal and much of it qualifies for a match.
But now is the time to renew our focus. These generous funders have pledged to donate $100,000 to the effort. We need to do our part to raise the remaining funds necessary to finish this drive to preserve Bundy Hill for natural space and recreation forever. Please encourage everyone you know to help by making a contribution to CWC Bundy Hill Acquisition, P.O. Box 896, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804-0896, or online here.