Various shades of red, orange, yellow and purple are at their peak at Chippewa Watershed Conservancy’s (CWC) 22 nature preserves during mid-October. Places such as Bundy Hill Preserve, Audubon Woods Preserve, Sylvan Solace Preserve and Halls Lake Natural Area all boast outstanding scenery and with the recent sunny weather offer some of the most sublime hiking options in the Central Michigan region. Each property has outstanding trail systems, various forest communities, well thought out signage and adequate parking areas.
“I believe October is the very best time to explore our 600-plus acres of permanently protected natural areas throughout the region,” claimed Jon Breithaupt, CWC Executive Director. “Taking a hike at Bundy Hill Preserve or Sylvan Solace Preserve is optimal right now as fall foliage colors are peaking, leaves crunch beneath your feet and the crisp air keeps you cool,” said Breithaupt.
Breithaupt warned about safety during October on the preserves stressing that, “Many of CWC’s preserves border historically hunted properties. It is always wise to wear hunter’s orange this time of year since it is now bow season for white-tailed deer.” Breithaupt continued, “Folks can visit our website, give us a call or drop by our office on the second floor of the Hersee House in downtown Mt. Pleasant to learn more about our environmental education programs or recreational opportunities on our preserves,” Breithaupt said. More information about CWC’s nature preserves can be found at www.cwc-mi.org/preserves.