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4th Thursday at Hall’s Lake Nature Series – Michigan’s Amazing Wetlands
September 25, 2014 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Our popular 4th Thursday at Hall’s Lake nature walk series is back again this year. Whether it’s birds, flowers, trees, natural science, history, or just plain fresh air that interests you, we feel sure you will enjoy the morning walk at the Hall’s Lake Natural Area. We will invite subject matter experts to lead the walks and answer your questions. These are leisurely walks along the foot trails with ample opportunity to take pictures or talk about what we encounter. Please call the office at 989-772-5777 or email us at
info@chippewawatershedconservancy.org no later than the day before the scheduled walk so we know to expect you.
These walks are free and open to anyone. We’ll meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Neely Preserve parking lot at the intersection of Old State and Broomfield Roads.
The focus of this month’s walk will be the wonderful wetlands of Michigan. We have several examples of wetland types at Hall’s Lake. We will visit some of them while a local expert will talk about them and help us identify what we find.