An official dedication of The Bundy Hills History Trail occurred on Saturday, July 14th at 10 am at CWC’s 100-acre Bundy Hill Preserve. Over 40 people came out to celebrate the new self-guided interpretive hiking trail which includes a series of 12 interpretive signs that disseminate the fascinating cultural and ecological history of the Bundy hills region. Topics such as glaciation, conservation logging, lumber camps and more are covered along the quarter-mile long, relatively flat natural surface trail. Chippewa Watershed Conservancy, Old Settler Reunion Inc., and Remus Area Historical Society all had tables with information at the event.
The History Trail project was funded by the Remus Area Historical Society, Old Settlers Reunion, and Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe with a matching grant from Saginaw Bay Watershed Initiative Network. Signs were created and donated by Larry and Judy Schaftenaar. Thanks to CWC intern Katelyn Maylee and other volunteers who helped dig holes and install the signs in challenging geology.
Larry was along the History Trail helping share stories if local history while Jon Breithaupt, CWC Executive Director, gave a tour of the new Summit Trail which traverses the west side of the preserve to the top of Bundy Hill, the tallest point in Isabella County.
The History Trail begins just east of the parking lot at Bundy Hill Preserve. Directions to the preserve can be found here: bit.ly/BundyHill.
- Jon Breithaupt and Larry Schaftenaar
- CWC’s Table
- Interpretive Sign
- RAHS’s Table
- Pat Block and Stan Lilley
- Larry Makes a few Remarks on the Project
- Sharing a Laugh
- Interpretive Sign
- Old Settlers Reunion Table