We want you to get outside more this year!
Our Challenge To You:
Complete 100 miles (or more) of hiking at any Chippewa Watershed Conservancy preserve.
How To Participate:
Register as a participant by sending your name and email address to cwc@cwc-mi.org with the subject line “100 Mile Challenge”, then start hiking! (We’ll add you to a special email list and send you regular updates about trail conditions, our favorite hikes, and more.) Record your hikes on the log (Download). Once you have completed 100 miles (or more), return the completed log to us by email, by mail (PO Box 896, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804), or in person at the CWC offices (306 S. University Ave., Mt. Pleasant) to claim a special 100 Mile Challenge award.
Update: The challenge does not need to be completed within a calendar year. You now have twelve months from the date of your registration to complete this challenge.
Dogs can participate too!
Is your dog your favorite hiking companion? Dogs always welcome on our trails as long as they remain leashed. If your dog completes the challenge with you just add them to your registration email. For every hike that they participate in with you make a note in the comment section of the log. When they complete the challenge, they’ll get their own special prize!